Participation in this project will take approximately 10-15 minutes of your time. Our aim is to explore the impact of gender on people's evaluations of

S. MacKinnon

University of Prince Edward Island

February 20th 2008 - April 20th 2008

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Die Studie soll darüber Aufschluss geben, wie gut die Integration von Ausländern in der Schweiz funktioniert. Sie dauert ca. 15 Minuten, unter allen Teilnehmern wird

Peter LĂĽdi

Uni Basel

February 20th 2008 - April 20th 2008

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Some questions about sport and nutrition.

Denise Frauendorfer, Ulf-Dietrich Reips

University of Zurich

February 19th 2008 - April 19th 2008

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Studienteilnehmer geben an, inwiefern verschiedene Adjektive auf die eigene Person und auf eine ihnen vorgestellte Marke zutreffen.

Sabrina Balestra, Rahel Steppacher, Ulf-Dietrich Reips

Universität Zürich

February 19th 2008 - April 19th 2008

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Recruits participants for a study examining the connection between personality and orthodox judaism.

Steven Pirutinsky

February 11th 2008 - April 11th 2008

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This study is intended to help us understand how people experience different emotions. You will be asked to remember two emotional situations from your recent

Charles Couchman


February 7th 2008 - April 7th 2008

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Are you dating? Married? In a romantic relationship? Researchers at McGill University are conducting a survey on romantic relationships and well-being. For filling out the

John Lydon, Carolyn Birnie, Robyn Penney

McGill University

February 2nd 2008 - April 2nd 2008

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Jede Versuchsperson sieht ein Foto einer Frau oder eines Mannes, welches sie auf 6 Skalen (Intelligenz, Attraktivität, Sympathie, usw.) bewerten soll.

Johanna Ryznar

University of Vienna

January 31st 2008 - March 31st 2008

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This study examines the level of differentiation of young adults (18-22yrs). The theory of differentiation is related to the ability to regulate anxiety, maintain a

Jennifer Howes

California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University, Los Angeles

January 31st 2008 - March 31st 2008

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We are looking at how people make decisions as to which employees to promote. You will be asked to complete a judgment task regarding promotions

Theresa Houlihan

University of Nebraska at Omaha

January 29th 2008 - February 20th 2008

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